Saturday, April 23, 2011




Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

That we might have eternal life!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sister Stephanie Marie Wardle

A late Happy Birthday to my sister! She would have been 69 years old yesterday. Missing you!

April 18, 1942 - January 31, 2004

Help a blogger out!

The Crescat is going to Rome to meet with the Pope! He has invited Catholic bloggers to a discussion on new media. If any of the 6 of you who read this blog can help, hop over and click her PayPal link. Even if it's only a dollar or two, it would really help. And I'm sure the prayers she will offer will more than compensate you. She is a great blogger and an even better person. Go visit her. Thank you.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Birthday

A very Happy Birthday to our Holy Father, His Holiness Pope Bendict XVI.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Great blog links

My friends are much better writers than I can pretend to be. Here is some great end of Lent reading. Adoro te Devote has a fabulous post about words. The Crescat posted about the wonder of riches. Loved Sinner has this to say about listening and following.